1. Camp Rancho is open to Rancho Colorados members ages 5-10. 4. Campers must be checked in and out of camp daily by an adult on his / her emergency form. Signed permission must be given on Policies Acknowledgement Form if your child will be walking / riding a bike home or if your child will be checked out by another adult. ELECTRONICS
Health and Safety The health and well-being of our campers is paramount. We ask that you not bring your child to camp if he/she has symptoms of any virus, including but not limited to: common cold, the flu, COVID-19, pink eye, stomach flu, runny nose, rash or skin irritation. A child needs to be fever free (without the aid of a fever reducer) for a minimum of 24 hours before attending Camp Rancho. If your child exhibits any of these symptoms due to allergies, please let us know and bring a doctor’s note so we’re aware of his/her condition.
Additionally, to ensure a safe and healthy camp in the midst of COVID-19, we will continue to monitor and comply with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA), the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and local, state, and federal guidance to prevent the transmission and spread of COVID-19. Depending on the guidance at the time of Camp, campers may be required to wear a face covering in accordance with applicable federal, state and local law and best practices. We also intend to follow applicable guidance when it comes to sanitization of frequently used surfaces, campers frequently washing their hands and practicing appropriate physical distancing. Parents are asked to conduct at-home symptom check self-screenings of their campers. Campers should stay home and not come to camp if they are: (1) not feeling well; (2) experiencing any COVID-19 type of symptoms; (3) have tested positive for COVID-19 (and has not been released back to regular activity by a doctor) or (4) been in “close contact” to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 within the last fourteen (14) days. If one of these applies to your campers, please don’t have them come to camp and seek medical attention. Campers will be required to stay at home and self-quarantine for the appropriate period required by public health officials and/or as recommended by the child’s health care provider. |
Summer Season ABOUT CAMP Our Program Policies & Behavior Daily Schedule CAMP HOURS 9am - 1pm REGISTRATION FORMS Policy and Registration Forms will be emailed to you. Please contact Camp Director if you have any questions. ___________________________________ BECOME A CAMP COUNSELOR ___________________________________